Grand Drive Residential Sub-Division

Grand Drive is a 117 Lot Residential Subdivision located 5 minutes from Orewa Central, North of Auckland.

The Project was originally split into 3 Stages, the earthworks portion was completed by BHE in a 6 month timeframe.

The Site consists of 3 Gullys to be filled, together with Hillsides, having to be lowered by some 14 metres in places.

During the peak of operations, BHE had 16 machines in operation, (8 of which were Machine Guided GPS) Cutting 14 0 000m³.

A network of under-fill drainage was installed throughout the site on an ongoing basis.

Along with Earthworks, there were 87 walls, 4 of which were over 3 metres in height.

BHE engaged ICB Retaining to complete the construction of the walls, but Supervision and Set-out was done in-house.

The Client was very pleased with the final outcome, and the timeframe in which it was completed.


Bob Hick Earthmoving Ltd.

Grand Drive Crew – January 2015